jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

English Language Challenges

Hi everyone,
I'm finishing the English program in the University. This program have four levels and this is my last blog in the career.
Today I go to talk about my english language challenges after left the University. I think my level in English is really bad. I need more practice and classes. I don't know why my level in English is poor, I believe It's because the courses aren't continues and I could take the differents levels with a lot of separation time.
About the classes of the program I think they are fun. I like so much the topics commented on the sesions. I like the social themes and I learn a little bit more with this excersises. I like the blogs but I believe that I need some "liberty" to write about other themes, more improvisation.
The videos are to difficult. I felt very embarrassed doing that but I think it's a very good excersise to practice, because you need make the video 1,2,3 or 4 times.
I need improved my English in pronunciation and the vocabulary. Oh! I forget the listening. It's very difficult too. I think i don't have problems with the reading part.
For improved my English level I hope travel and live on England to practice all days and learn the language living the language. As I comment in other of the post in my blog I wish travel to England and Europe in general to take a treatment for my cronic allergy, in France.
If I would like know the countries well and understand his cultures I need learn English because is an important language around the world.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study program

Hi everyone

Today I will talk about changes to my career.
I'm studying journalism in the University of Chile. I have the oldest curriculum, I'm the last generation with this curriculum.
In my opinion the new curriculum is very interesting, more than my curriculum.
I change some things to my career. I think my career isn't updated in the digital area. This is important for the future, because the new technologies are in all the world and we need tools to comunicate in this digital world.
My career is for five years, but sometiemes the people have 5.5 or 6 years for finsh the career.
My faculty is big, but now the buildings are more than 2015, when I entry to my univerisity. The Bicentenario Project was really harm for the community of Juan Gomez Milla, because change the infresatructure and the common area.
Other topic for changes in my career is specially the common spaces. The cafeteria is very small and everyday have a big line for pay the lunch.
We need more technologies for comunication as Cameras of photographie  and more elements to presentate the information, digital tools, graphycs and SEO write. This is a student claim for more technologies and infrastructure. The "auditorios" are small and you can't study If you don't arrive early.
In my opinion the teachers of ICEI haven't prepared for teach to differents students. They are only preocupated about the childrens without problems to learn the subjects. The teacher would are more inclusives.

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

Mi favourite music

I like the Hip Hop culture and obviously, I like so much the RAP music.
Despite the rap comes to the United States I prefer the Chilean rap, the Chilean scene is one of the biggest in Latinoamerica.
The Chilean rap is very expressive of the life in the ghetto. Sometimes his lyrics are explicitly violence and male chauvinist and is necessary think on improving this situation.
The first rapers in Chile were  Panteras Negras, De Kiruza and Pozze Latina in the '80s. For the experts, the Chilean rap born in 1988 with the single Something is happening (Algo está pasando) of the band De Kiruza (Fount: La Tercera-Cultura).

The breakdance used an important place in this culture. The breakdancers got together around a basic radio and make the movements that gave origins to this Hip Hop culture in Chile.

Obviously this music impact on the poorest places of the Santiago. Same the case of United States in the black ghettos.

The people arrive at the rap culture because of the need to tell their stories about street life and social injustice.

In the 90s' and 2000s' the rap grow so much. The freestyle battles on the parks than Ohiggins Park and Bustamante Park were usually. On this area, Chile is very recognized for MC's than Stigma, Kaiser, Basek, Teorema, etc. Inclusively Chile was headquarters of the International Final of The Red Bull Freestyle Battles in 2015.

Actually, the rap evolving to trap music. Obviously, Chile has a little scene that interest the international public. In the trap scene are Dref Kila, Ceaese, Gianluca and Paloma Mami, they are young artists with some singles sounding on the radios.

In October, The Red Bull trademark organize the celebration of the 30 years of rap in Chile and get together to the best of the story of Chilean RAP.

My future job

My name is Matìas Mella and I am studying journalism at the University of Chile. I’m  23 years old and I would take a decision about my future.

I made my practice in  Mis Talentos foundation. I choose this practice because I need money and I don’t like so much the media journalism. But now I think that media journalism isn’t terrible.

In my future, I would like to work in sports journalism. I would like to visit some places covering sports events and my dream is commenting the final of Libertadores cup when Colo-Colo been champion.

I think I need some skills than fast, friendliness, courtesy, etc.

I would like this job because I think it was my first idea to study this career. I would be very happy with the travels to other regions of Chile and other countries. I would be ashamed to do this job because I like some sports and I love Colo-Colo.

I think sports journalism are very important for the future of sports in Chile. If I have this job in the future I would like lessons at the University.

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit France. When I was studying in school I learn a little bit of French. I like so much this language and I hope to learn more.

I have to listen to their architecture, The Eiffel Tower and the Triumphal Arc are awesome. I would like to drink French wine and champagne. Their natural places are beautiful too.

I would like to know the cities like Marsella, Lyon, Niza, etc. My dream is to know the hot spring in Avéne, in the south of France, to cure my atopic allergy.

I would travel only and know other countries of Europe: Deutschland, Spain, Portugal, etc. I love to travel and this trip is a dream for me. If I have a journalism job in one of this countries or I have the scholarship to study I believe that I go to live for one or two years in Europe.

I wouldn't like to live in France because are a country with a reputation as a racist.

Avéne- France